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New books from the LL team

Writer: Jess ColesJess Coles

It's an exciting month for us here at Living Leadership as two of our staff team celebrate the publication of new two books designed to equip the Church.

In this week's blog, we wanted to share these books with you in the hope that they can help you grapple with these important topics.


Powerful Leaders?

When church leadership goes wrong and how to prevent it

Marcus Honeysett

How do Christian leaders end up abusing power, even though many begin with good intentions? More importantly, how can we prevent it?

Powerful Leaders? exposes and explores how people in positions of authority can be tempted away from a biblical model of leadership into an illegitimate – and, in the worst cases, abusive – use of power. Drawing on his years of experience working with leaders and congregations, Marcus Honeysett traces how those in power in the church can move along a spectrum of healthy to unhealthy uses of authority and position and offers practical wisdom to prevent this from happening.

Whether you are in leadership or in a position to hold leaders accountable, this book will challenge and equip you to be more aware of the dynamics of power – and enable you to take the necessary steps forward to create healthier church cultures in which everyone can thrive.

We are also pleased to make available an Audit of Abuse of Power that accompanies the book.

For more information and to buy your copy, visit the publisher's website.

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Serving Two Masters

Probing the tensions between science and faith in the art of healthcare

by Paul Coulter

Modern, scientific medicine has been a wonderful gift to mankind. Yet it is in danger of forgetting the art of medicine, which is vital for the well-being of both healthcare professionals and those they care for. Setting out the case for an integrative approach to healthcare Serving Two Masters? argues for a thoroughly scientific, yet faith-filled approach to clinical care. Dealing with common misconceptions about the relationship between faith and science, Paul Coulter argues that the Christian worldview is an excellent foundation for healthcare.

For more information and to buy your copy, visit the publisher's website.

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