Who we are
Living Leadership exists to see Christ glorified in the Church through leaders who joyfully abide in Him and faithfully serve Him
Our mission is to contribute to growing disciple-making leaders in the Church by providing training, support and resources that promote gospel faithfulness and lifelong fruitfulness in ministry
Our values
Our values as an organisation are grace, generosity and passion for the glory of God. These values are explained, expressed and elaborated upon in three statements that govern our work.
Our ethos
We want to be and to grow leaders who are:
captivated by the glory of God and the wonder of the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ;
wise and kind, serving out of a deep relationship with God and love of His Word as the heart of their spirituality;
passionate in the belief that taking the gospel of God’s salvation into every corner of the globe is the primary mission of the church;
committed to leading out of a clear and life-long enjoyment of God’s grace and dedicated to serving others in love;
humble, faithful, prayerful, loving, repentant and forgiving, knowing that secret character before God is more important than skills.